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CPSkool has officially come to a close as a gameshow... but will remain as a community on chat. Enjoy the final post! -Peng & Mat

Saturday, December 17, 2011

S5C2 - Hot Chocolate

I'd suggest watching the video before scrolling over to the winner. -Peng
Gather around, kids! CPSF will be on soon!

But first, let's start with a funny moment with Mat!

Let's start this!

Boys' Meeting Room (9:50 EST)
Wii took a sip of his hot chocolate, and smiled over at the logs crackling in the fireplace. Andy jumped over the sofa and landed softly onto a pillow and reached for the remote. Andre snatched it from him and changed the channel to the news.

"Ratings are going sky high for Season 5 of CPSkool! After a successful first week, the contestants have to submit drawings that involve the holidays..."

Drake walked into the room with a huge smirk on his face. "I've already submitted my pic!" Lewis looked around and quietly announced that he was going to probably give in his picture at the last second.

Out of the whole group, PS2 wasn't even there.

"Ok guys," Andre declared after he muted the TV. "The girls got lucky last week, but that's because we didn't put our full 100%. It's Friday night, so let's just get these submissions in. I'll be handing mine in tonight."


Girls' Bedroom (11:30 EST)
A couple rooms over, the Girls were together watching "The Polar Express". Spoil and Powder were throwing popcorn at each other, Hannah was telling the girls to be quiet, Lion and Andreia were talking about their favorite movie, and Bumble was making them sammiches.

Suddenly, Hannah got a call on her cell phone from Mat.

"Hold on, can you pause the film?"

The orders were followed, and the cell was put on speaker.

"Heyyyy-lo, everybody!" Mat smirked.

"Heyyyy, Mat!" the girls replied in unison.

"Thanks for submitting all of your pictures in before the last second. I can't say the same for the Boys. Anyways, I'm calling to say that next week, we are taking a week off for Christmas, so you are all invited for the Secret Santa party!"

Everyone cheered, and then they went back to silence.

"That's pretty much all I had to say...have a good night!"

The Girls started talking all at once, and after a few good laughs, they continued the film and ate Bumble's mustard and sour cream sammiches.



At 6 AM, each of the genders received a call from a different host telling them to visit the movie theater. Within the hour, everyone had ran to the destination in their PJ's complaining about how early it was. PS2 was even heard saying he needed his beauty sleep.

Once inside, everyone was served complimentary junk food for the film. When everyone was settled, the film began:

(If the video doesn't show for you, go here.)

In order to not have the video spoiled, I've put Lewis' entry above the picture announcing the winner.

*Lewis's entry was late, therefore he does not get credit*

Yes, you heard it right, folks! Andy the Lego has taken the victory for the Boys, and now, right before the 1 week break, the Girls have to get rid of one of their own!
Lewis and PS2 have earned 1 strike.

Lion, Andre, Drake, Andreia, Powder, Spoil have earned 1 ticket.

Wii, Hannah, Bumble and Abby have earned 3 tickets.

Andy has earned 6 tickets.

Girls, you now have to choose 1 person to be eliminated. You have until tomorrow at around 6 EST, but usually people give in all their votes before then.

Next week there is no challenge. Enjoy your little break, because we're going to start making the season a little more interesting after it.





Matbolabc said...

FIRST!! Congrats guys, I'm sorry girls :( I appreciate everyone who participated though..


Penny Mickey said...

Penny is so proud of her Andypoo for winning the challenge for his team!<3


~Penny "Da Gangsta" Mickey

P.S. Good try though girls! Get 'em next time!(;

Anonymous said...

i would have to say... lion. I do think she is nice. But she hasn't communicated with me yet. We really should be talking with each other. But no, we haven't. Thanx.

Anonymous said...

mk so im voting again cause
1)i dont remember if i said who i wanted
2)i didnt said it was me :P
my vote: abby

Anonymous said...

I vote Abby..


Anonymous said...


imma vote out abby


Anonymous said...

I vote out Andreia. Sorry. Plz don't tell anyone )':

~ Spoil

ilionese(aka Lion) said...

ahh never mind i change my vote to Abby(if i can)

Anonymous said...

I vote Abbyy.


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