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CPSkool has officially come to a close as a gameshow... but will remain as a community on chat. Enjoy the final post! -Peng & Mat

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Time of...Transitioning

All 5 winners of CPSkool and CPSkool's founder.
L-R: Stickie408, Bumbleface, Matbolabc, Penguin874, Checkers4562, 11laura110

Matbolabc's Speech

I still find it hard to believe that this entire community started only 2 and a half years ago... I almost feel like I've known you guys all my life... Maybe it's because I couldn't picture living my life without having met all of you. For the past few years I have always had a place to go where I could just be me... a place where I can stay away from the harsh and judgmental world. A place where I felt like I mattered.

This community has given me so much confidence in myself and I now understand that there are people out there who love me. Because of this boost of confidence I have grown out of my shell in my real life, and I have met many great people and befriended new people... I feel like I am ready to go out and find my place in the world.

Of course, we would not be a community if it weren't for the gameshow aspect of CPSkool. CPSkool was a fun ordeal that brought each and everyone of us closer together, and gave us such an amount of joy and hope in ourselves... even though it seems like a simple concept, the only person who would truly understand would have to compete in one.

I think it says a lot for CPSkool, having started out as very young teenagers without an ounce of experience. Because of this we were an easy target for an orange adversary who fails to see that a gameshow is not about its host... but about the contestants. But that is an old story that nobody wants to hear again, because at the end of the day hope is what kept this place alive. Hope is what fueled myself into each and every hour that I've spent on CPSkool Forever, the previous 4 seasons, and the chat. Life without hope is pointless.

Of course all great things have to come to an end... but I know CPSkool is greater than that. Those who were directly involved in CPSkool and those who have participated will never forget CPSkool... And for me I will always keep the memories I've spent here close to my heart.

The connection did not come from flashy graphics, overly-complex posts, or from a massive ego from either of the hosts. The reason everyone here today still remains is because through the best and worst of CPSkool we have all pushed forward and have grown into a family. I honestly consider a vast majority of people on our chat room as family, and I know some of them feel the same way towards me.

In summary, I think that the bond each and everyone of us feel is very real. Some might say that online friendships are not real... But what about online friendships that have lasted years, ones that have reached closer to real life through Facebook, Skype, and Tinychat.... In the end what defines friendship in my mind is love for one another... always being there for each other... and understanding each other.... therefore the friendships that CPSkool has made are very real, and the love all of us share will continue to grow past the boundaries of Club Penguin and into our hearts.

Penguin874's Speech

I remember all the way back to those first few days of the development of this recently ended season. Our main goal was to take our experiences from the previous four adventures, improve on them, take into account what works for the people around chat, and make it all happen. However, there was something else that I think made this season the definite best out of all our seasons. Heck, CPSkool Forever alone could stand as its own gameshow, even if it were just this. Why is that?

All season long, we intended on staying away from Club Penguin challenges (except for the first and last ones). This season took into account the possibility of a gameshow that takes advantage of actually using Internet games other than our ol' CP. We played Snakeban, Pandanda, trivia (although, I think trivia is in pretty much everything). In the end, I believe my personal expectations were blown out of proportions this time around, and I think that a large chunk of the congratulations should be handed out to the community (yes, I mean you as well).

CPSkool has really evolved as a website, which is a very obvious statement, but it's true. I've spent a lot of time pondering at how fast we've grown, how close we've grown, and how our abilities and talents have grown and have been put into this amazing task of hosting a fifth season. I'm extremely grateful for Happywagon's retirement, not in a negative fashion, but in an indirect thank you sort of fashion. Happy was a great guy who hosted the chat where all of the owners of CPSkool met. Right around the time he decided to let go of CP (which is what we're doing at the moment), it basically gave CPSkool a chance to build up traffic on its chat. Unlike Frosty's rants about how a chat isn't necessary for a gameshow, I think it's vital. 

Once we were able to grow as a community, and we were starting to give off a reputation of a stable website, it allowed us to build stronger relationships and experiences with the group of people who chose our site as a hangout, a safe haven from personal problems, a way to forget hard times and have a laugh or two. This was all the way back in 2009-2010. In 2010, as I hope all of you know, is when we ended Season 4 and I disagreed with the idea of continuing on. 

Looking back at this decision, I'm amazed at how extraordinarily beneficial it was. Back in 2010, Mat's graphical skills were great, but comparing them to today's style is like comparing cave paintings to a work from da Vinci. I was completely terrible at writing back around the time of season 4, and I think I could still use a lot more work to this day. Because we "waited" a year (I use quotes because we weren't planning on a season 5 until about a year after the "final" season), our skills progressed. We became more mature. We were different people, a lot more experienced and older. So, at that point, it seemed like we were at a peak, which was a perfect signal to have yet another season...and then, here we are.

Ok, I guess I will stop with the pondering of my past, especially since most of you already knew about this. I just...can't believe we managed to pull it off. We used non-Club Penguin websites to make a season worth remembering, and with a non-Club Penguin related chat room, I think we're finally reaching that final step...moving on from these fine experiences.

Like in the finale results post, I'd like to thank everyone who has made your impact on our community. I won't name a list because it would take a couple years to write down everyone who fits the criteria. However, I would like to specifically thank our active mods: Alexa, Andreia, Andy, Lewis, Spoil, Andre, Bumble (our winner of season 5), Checkers (our winner of season 3), and Penny. You have all earned your spots, and I hope to see you on chat now that we've officially transformed.

As for the owners, I'd like to thank GK for his help in the efforts for the development of the season, as he was a big influence on the challenges and what worked when it came to tickets and surprises. I'd like to thank Sand for her amazing artwork and coding skills shown in her Souvenir Shop. Sadly, it is down at the moment for some strange reason, but I'm sure you all remember the impression it gave you when you first saw it. Kellie, you have been an amazing help not only in the season, but with your work on chat. You didn't directly take part in the development of the season, but you've been a great friend and you've done your part in making this happen with your advice and belief in the project. 

As for Mat, he already knows what I think. His graphics are beyond outstanding at this point, his diplomacy on chat is something I couldn't handle, and his tears, sweat, and blood have all been poured in buckets into this season happening (hopefully not literally). At the most stressful of moments, he didn't give up, which definitely, without a doubt, shows his perseverance and determination. Without his help, this would be possible, but it would not be 3,000,000 times as great as it has gone. Thanks for your time, Mat, and happy belated birthday. 

And, for everyone, I'd like to wish you all luck in your future endeavors, and I would only hope that you take a second or two to fully realize what we have accomplished here in only about two years. I can't believe that I am writing this while taking part in the transformation I've been awaiting for a long while: a transformation into a teenage hangout, what CPSkool has basically become, gameshow or no gameshow, and I hope it continues to grow as a family over the course of the next couple centuries or so.

Maybe even more.

Thanks for your participation in...

-Penguin874 & Matbolabc
CPSkool Founder and Former Host

If you want, leave a comment on this post, and tell us your favorite memories of CPSkool.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

14 Challenges Later...

It all started with 14 people...

Five months later... we are down to 2...

In the last 24 hours, viewers of the site have been voting on who they think is most deserving of the CPSkool Forever crown. Andre has been the ringleader behind the strategies since the beginning of the season. Throughout the entire game, he led one of the most successful alliances of all time and cruised his way to the end without flaw. His strategic gameplay is one for the record books. 
Bumble has fought her heart out week to week and has proven to be a tough competitor in each and every challenge. Having been out-numbered at the merge, she made the boldest move in the entire season and joined an alliance mixed with all guys... and it paid off for her. Her drive and willpower is an inspiration to all of us...

Andre won the public poll... but has he won the season?

Penguin874 examined the map in front of him, obviously feeling some nostalgia. He thought back to the time when they were stranded in an African forest, the countless times they were at sea awaiting their next destination. He couldn't believe how much the relationships had changed and the memories had enriched since that first Card Jitsu challenge.

Matbolabc walked into the room with a clipboard in hand and a curious look on his face. "What's this?" he asked, looking over the host's shoulder. 

"I got a professional mapmaker to put this together every week of our journey. Imagine we spent a couple more weeks at sea. We could have gone to South America, maybe visit a few friends from Canada..."

"Yea, we didn't get to see Australia, either, and I wanted to see some kangaroos," Mat laughed. He had a passionate smirk on his face as he went over the memories once more. "Remember all those times Owl tried to sabotage us?"

Peng let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I don't even know if you can call it sabotaging. More like spectating those amazing challenges..."

As Mat and Peng went over more memories, time passed, and soon it was almost results time. Bumble and Andre nervously sat in the waiting room, hoping that they will be the one who earns the mysterious prize. They watched an assistant waddle at a fast pace towards Peng's room, which was a definite sign that it was almost time for the big decision. Their fate was now depending on their actions before. Based on results that they could not control anymore. Hopefully fate would be kind to them, because only one was going to win, unless a miraculous tie took place.

The two stood up, the nightmares behind them, and the constant worry slowly leaving. They needed to make a last minute impression, even though they had no control over what was about to happen.

The winner of CPSkool Forever was about to be released.

Welcome back, readers, to the second installment of the CPSkool finale results. As you learned yesterday, the entire finale was actually three parts. Bumble won the Jury's vote while Andre got a better time than his opponent in the challenge.

Now, we're down to the final part that decides it all.

As you can see from the picture above, Andre won the poll for CPSkool Forever, which everyone believed decided the winner. If you reread the post again, you can see that we never said anything about the poll deciding the winner. We just wanted to see who you believed deserved to win the season, which was Andre (although, I'm kind of suspicious about how we got almost 60 votes in less than a day...). 

Therefore, this means that there was actually a different factor deciding the winner. 

There were a million and one possibilities for what could decide this winner. Maybe they had to do a second mini-challenge that would decide it all. What if it were based on who got the most tickets, or maybe who won the most challenges. Maybe even who the hosts believed deserved it most, rather than the general public.

Whatever it is, I hope both Andre and Bumble realize that they are an amazing pair of friends that I'm glad I've gotten to know better over the course of this season. They both deserve this position of being on the Hall of Fame twice, to the point that I wish they could both win. Sadly, as all finales end with a single winner, there needs to be one for this season.


The light shined in the eyes of both finalists as one of the largest audiences cheered and held signs in the air to show support for the finalist they wanted to win. Penguin874 and Matbolabc walked out of the backstage with hands raised waving in the air. They both wore brand new tuxedos and Mat even got a brand new Irish hat for the occasion. 

The host of the season took the seat closest to the finalists while Mat sat directly across from the two. 

"Hello, world!" Peng yelled, causing the crowd to cheer in excitement. "Tonight, one of these two penguins will be the victor. They will win a spot forever in the Hall of Fame's final slot, while winning a prize that will cause their eyes to widen from amazement. But, who will it be?"

The audience went quiet. 

Peng whispered something in Mat's ear.

What was the need for all the suspense? Andre swallowed slowly while Bumble twiddled her flippers. 

An older lady in a stunning red dress slowly walked across the stage over to the hosts. Her heels made a clacking noise that was the only thing heard. A nail could have dropped and it would have spread all over.

"The final factor to declaring our winner will be.... the tickets they have earned throughout the entire season."

Andre and Bumble sighed heavily... this was really it. The entire season led to this single moment right here, right now. The pair interlocked flippers and braced themselves for the next sentence.

"The winner of CPSkool Forever is..."









"......Bumble with a ticket balance of 50-44!"

yelled Peng with excitement as he immediately jumped up and clapped along with every penguin on the island.

Blue and orange confetti fluttered all around the studio as the air was filled with shouts of excitement.

Bumble laid back in her seat. The entire world went silent for her as she looked into the crowd, looked into the hosts' eyes, and stared at the envelope that just caused her victory. Her entire body could not move from  the shock she had just experienced. Andre pushed her out of the seat, feeling sorrow but excitement at the same time. He knew both him and Bumble deserved their position, but he knew that right now, it was Bumble's time.

"Congratulations, Bumble!" Mat yelled into the mic, amazed at the uproar of cheers in the audience. "You have earned 50 tickets over the whole season, an Ultimate Game Card, a one month membership to either Club Penguin or Pandanda, a 15 dollar iTunes card, a moderator position for the rest of eternity, and a permanent spot on the Hall of Fame."

After the prize was announced, the entire audience went silent as Bumble felt down with her eyes closed. "SHE FAINTED! CALL A MEDIC!" Andre yelled, about to give her CPR. 

Bumble opened her eyes and giggled. "Who said I fainted? I just needed some quick shut eye before the PARTY!"

The audience jumped out of their seats and climbed onto stage. Bodyguards originally went over to try and block them, but then they realized they were picking up Bumble and Andre and carrying them over to the place where the party was going to take place.


"I've never seen such a gigantic cruise ship before," Lion sighed, watching the S.S. CPSkool slowly float away into the horizon.

After the amazing party, the Jury and the Final 2 sat on the dock, watching the cause of this entire season leave the island. It was finally over. All of those weeks they worked hard to win challenges and vote off each other, they were back home safe and sound.

"Congratulations, Bumble, you did great," Andy announced, patting her on the back. Bumble smiled and thanked all of the Jury for the vote.

"Drake, thanks for voting for me," Andre pointed out, giving Drake a sincere flipper-shake.

"No problem, I thought both of you deserved it but you deserved it more."

"Where did Wii even go?" Powder asked, causing a wave of shrugs to spread across the group. 

"All I know is, I'm full from all that cake. And the godiva? Delicious!" Lewis laughed. 

"Were you the one who hogged all the dessert? I had a craving for some ice cream, dude!" Spoil smirked.

The sun slowly set while the group gossiped about their favorite moments, unknown revelations, and who had the best suite on the ship (it was decided that it was actually the Boys' Dorm).

They knew that even though they had all basically been eliminated down to Bumble, they all had a better friendship than before. It was amazing to get to know each other as much as they did over the course of the past few months. And they knew that the relationships would grow after the transformation from a Club Penguin chat to more of a teen hangout.

They knew these past five seasons were a dream come true. 

Don't worry, everybody! This Saturday, we will host a party on Club Penguin to retire most of our penguins because of this season ending. It will be the normal time of challenges, which is 7 EST. Hopefully you're all able to make it, as we will take one big group picture that we will use in the official FINAL post of CPSkool Forever. It's something you only get to be involved in once in a lifetime.

I can't believe I'm here right now congratulating the fifth winner of this game show I've hosted for so long. I'd like to thank GK for his help in developing the challenges, Kellie and Sand for helping us in challenges when we were in a rough spot, the moderators for doing a great job after all this time, the members who have stuck with us for so long, and especially Mat, as you already know, for saving the gameshow more than once like he was Superman. And your graphic skills? You're going to go far.

I hope that one day, all of you get the chance to do what you dream and succeed, as I feel I have from this amazing group of seasons.

Thank you once again, everybody. 

Host of CPSkool Forever

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Finale of CPSF

There once was an island
that glimmered in the sea...
Where two good friends
who were once a part of fourteen  ...
Will fight to the end 
like the other was an enemy...
In one big challenge
known as the finale...

A dark blue penguin patted Bumble on the back. It seemed like it was early morning in a field. To the right was an energetic bodybuilder, probably someone who was an obsessive enthusiast. She figured out quickly that she was in a race. She was never one to spend time running laps, but even if she was, this person she was competing against really wanted this victory. An announcer started yelling into a blow horn about the countdown. "We're starting in 3...2...1..."

The two were off full speed. Bumble had no idea why she was here, as her memory fell blank, but she knew she needed to win for no apparent reason. It was a 30-yard dash, so it would be over quick. She was holding a small lead over her opponent. She knew she had it, and she could clearly see the finish line was in a few seconds away...until she felt a cramp. It was a cramp she had never felt before, a cramp that made her completely stop and fall to the ground. Her opponent sprinted happily to the finish, which caused him to get an amazing prize and congratulations.

Bumble woke up shivering from the nightmare. She was finally back home at her parent's house after months of being at sea. Why was she having all of these strange episodes? Looking over at the clock, she felt a gasp escape from her beak. It was 3 AM, and not a single moment of this night had been calm. 

"C'mon, Bumble," she said under her breath to herself. "You're gonna need as much sleep as possible if you're going to make an impression on the big day..."

The self-motivation wasn't working. She looked out the window and saw the moon shining over Club Penguin. It was great to be back and all, but for some reason, coming back left more pressure on her than she ever expected. Everyday, people would crowd around the areas she would go. She couldn't even get half a pizza from the parlor without a storm of people idolizing her like a god. This Hollywood life seemed like a dream to many, but it felt like an undertaking she couldn't handle, which led to the stress-induced dreams she experienced over the past couple days. Was Andre feeling the same way? 

A couple miles away from Bumble's igloo lay a shaking, sleeping Andre. He had already tried to calm himself down from the worry he was feeling about what would happen the next afternoon. After all these weeks of strategy and eliminations, it was all behind them as there was one big competition ahead. He was finally able to get some shut eye in, but it wasn't very peaceful when he had an impressionable dream.

He was staring at a curtain, being gently pushed by a man he could not recognize. "This is your chance, Andre," he whispered in his ear. "Don't blow it." The curtains opened up, and the man stepped away. Andre stood, unsure what was going on. A cough came out of an obviously impatient and bored man. The finalist stared into the audience, trying to see if he could see any familiar faces. All these people looked like they were about ready to kill him. Soon, boos spread through the audience like wildfire, and Andre was pulled off stage. He stared blankly, feeling a sense of failure for no reason at all. What was he doing there? Why were they watching him? 

Andre decided that he would have to live with the stress he was facing and continue to sleep, which led to a pretty restless but manageable sleep. The same, he knew, could be said for Bumble. The fact that it would be over with soon was the only thing that helped sooth the apprehension.

In the morning, Bumble and Andre woke up feeling like the world was on their shoulders. Cameras were pointed at them, televisions were turned on all across the island, and as Mat and Peng walked up to the top of the Ski Hill, the finalists knew this was it. There was no turning back, and the game was all based on their actions from this point.


Hello and welcome everybody to the results of the CPSkool finale. This is your host, Penguin874, working Mat, who made all these amazing pictures, and I've got some pretty exciting news for all of you...in this post, you will find out the results of who won the finale! 

This finale, we had five parts in a challenge that was only one factor in three parts that decide the winner. In other words, the finalists did not need to win the challenge in order to win the season. Before I go over who won the challenge, I will go over how the Jury voted.

The Jury consisted of seven penguins who were eliminated after the merge: Lion, Powder, Drake, Spoil, Andy, Wii, and Lew. Unfortunately, Wii decided to not vote at all, nor participate on chat or at events, so we only have 6 votes deciding who should win the season for this category.

By the way, I'd just like to point out that this Jury was actually pretty fair, considering without Wii there were 3 boys and girls voting, which is something I didn't realize until recently.

All of the people voting had enough experience to realize how these two were in game, therefore these votes were given by people who knew what they were doing, and I'd like to thank them for being dedicated enough to the season that they stayed around without raging the season after being eliminated. I'd also like to thank the few of them who gave thoughtful responses for their votes, because sadly some of them just did a simple "I want this person to win".

Now, let's stop the lollygagging and get to the results.

The title of winner of category 1 of CPSkool Forever's finale belongs to...





Congratulations, Bumble, you won by a landslide of five of the six votes. Will this be enough for her to win the season? Find out soon.

Here is the part that the finale was mainly focused on...the actual challenge! You can't end an eviction game show without one of these!

I feel extremely proud of this challenge because we involved all of the owners and even a moderator to help us with this brutal one hour long event, which was all worth it. We had our funny moments, like when Andre didn't know there was more rooms besides the Pool, Boiler Room, and Mine in the Underground, or some frustrating points, like when Owl kept trying to sabotage the challenge with complete failure or when Bumble glitched over and over, which caused constant restarts of the time. Even though the ending to the game show wasn't perfect, I felt that it was an amazing experience because through all of this, we were able to finish. 

Thank you to GK, Kellie, Sand, Checkers, and ESPECIALLY Mat for making this challenge actually feasible. Thank you to the chat members who didn't try to interfere and were supportive of the fact that it took us longer than usual to complete the challenge. It definitely paid off, as the winner of this part of the finale earned themselves a pretty good amount of tickets.

The title of winner of category 2 of CPSkool Forever's finale belongs to...





Andre, despite all his insecurities of his chances of winning, has earned a point in this suspenseful three part finale. Congratulations, your time was 5:10 while Bumble got 6:50.

Andre has scored 20 tickets, 5 for participating and 15 for winning.
Bumble has only scored 5 tickets for participation.
Nobody won the sled race, shucks!
Owl1096 has earned 3 strikes.


So who wins it all???













Who do YOU think deserves to win CPSkool Forever? Vote on the newest poll on the sidebar! It only lasts for a short while, so you should probably vote ASAP!

Congratulations to both of the contestants for each winning a part of the season. Had you not, we probably would've had to have a single results post. So thank you for adding more suspense to this finale weekend!

Until we get the results, I wish all of you luck in the future, and I can't wait for the transformation of chat from a Club Penguin based website to more of a teen hangout.

As always, we've got the good old "Good Luck Contestants" banner to leave you in the posts. This is going to be the last time we have this in a post, so be sure to give your final good-byes to it... :(

Thanks for an amazing season, but it's not over yet.

-Penguin874 and Matbolabc
Hosts of CPSkool Forever

Sunday, April 8, 2012

S5C14 - Welcome Home

Another season, another finale. 

It had been about a year or so, but it was finally time for CPSkool to host the end of the season that no one saw coming. Mat, Laura, Checkers, and Stickie held the honors of being the four finalists, an honor that used to be something that could never be added to. Now, permanent moderator status, a spot on the Final 2 Hall of Fame, and a chance at an amazing prize was open to a new set of competitors, Bumble and Andre.

The finale was to be one of the biggest media sensations on the island of Club Penguin, where it originated. Although the cruise ship took the contestants to the jungles of Africa, the home of the Soviet Union, and even the romantic city of Paris, it all led back to where it began: their cold home.

But where were the finalists? 

Bumble and Andre sat inside the lounge of the cruise ship. Outside stood a humongous crowd of eager fans, ready to jump and cheer in extreme anticipation for the penguin in which they knew would win. Some were saying Andre's hat was like his chances of winning: large. Others said Andre would be as blue as Bumble's blubber color when he lost. Either way, the pressure was on these two, and they were hesitant to step outside. 

"Did you see the TV?" Bumble asked, her eyes wide open with surprise.

"What do you mean?" Andre replied, filled with curiosity.

Bumble pulled out the trusty remote and flipped through a couple channels. "It's like everything on TV has our faces on it...even the food channel is baking a cake with us at the top!"

Andre blushed as he realized just how far this position had taken him. "Well, I guess that explains the mob mentality going on out there...I'm afraid they're gonna tackle us!"

Bumble giggled, thinking back to the days when she just started in the season. She knew the feeling of being in the Final 2 before, but this felt a lot different than anything she'd ever imagined. The spotlight was placed on Andre and her, and there was no slacking at this point. 

Andre looked over at his blue pal and knew what she was thinking. In one week, it would be like a fight to the death against her that he wondered if he would win. Would he defeat her, leaving her in second place for the second time in a row?

Mat poked his head through the ajar door behind the two. "Hey, I know that you probably feel extremely nervous, but we need to head out to the Dock. Don't worry, we've got some pretty good bodyguards set up out there to make sure no one tries to steal your stupid hats."

Bumble patted her crown, feeling insulted, but then she looked over at Andre and accepted her fate. They needed to face the crowd, no matter how much stage fright they had.

Andre patted her on the back, and Bumble gave him a sincere hug. No matter what was about to happen that week, they needed to stay friends, even if that is an extremely corny rule.

A set of stairs led the contestants off the ship, and flashes of cameras and screams of fanboys and girls filled their senses. It was crazy out here, but it was amazing that all of this attention was for them. It was like they were officially movie stars or something along the lines of that. 

For now, everything was going to be fun and games. But on Finale Weekend, it was going to be fun and games...but with a serious way of going about it.

Welcome home to Club Penguin, Bumble and Andre.


Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Penguin874 here, ready to explain how the finale will work. Now, since this is the final challenge of our greatest season, we decided we needed something complicated. Something awesome. Something we've never done to end with a bang.

So why not have the contestants race against the clock to complete 5 mini-challenges all around the island involving penguins with the names of the seasons? I think that works.

Here is how the challenge will work broken down:
  1. CPSkool - Snow Racing) To start off the race, the finalist will have to race against CPSkool in a simple snow race. If they win, they will earn 10 tickets.
  2. CPHigh - Snowball Fight) The finalist will have to run to the Dock and meet up with CPHigh, who will compete against them in a 1v1 snowball fight. DO NOT PARTICIPATE IF YOU ARE NOT A CONTESTANT. Once the contestant hits CPHigh with a snowball, CPHigh will say "GO", which signals for the contestant to go to the Ice Rink. (Note: CPHigh must make the call, we are going by what they see on their screen.)
  3. CPCollege - Hockey) At the Ice Rink, the contestant will need to score 2 goals against CPCollege. CPCollege has to try and block the puck from making it in the goal. If the contestant succeeds according to CPCollege's screen, then CPCollege will say GO, and they can move on.
  4. CPKamp - Swimming) CPKamp will be awaiting the contestant in the waters of the Cove. The contestant will need to hit them three times as they run around the water. Once CPKamp is hit three times, they will say GO, and the contestant will need to head through the Forest over to the Mine Shack to head underground to find CPSkool Forever in the underground part of the island.
  5. CPS Forever - Hide and Seek) Who doesn't love hide and seek, especially to end the season? After getting to the Mine Shack, the contestant will have to locate CPS Forever in one of the underground rooms. Once they go up to them, they need to say TIME, to signal the fact that the clock needs to stop.
Now, it's time for the copy and pasted information part of these posts.


Times and Dates
The results for this challenge will be revealed on April 14th (15th in Australia), 2012.

The times will be:
4 PM - Pacific
5 PM - Mountain
6 PM - Central
7 PM - Eastern
11 AM - Melbourne, Australia


Hope to see you there, everyone, and finalists, be sure to make it! It should be a lot of fun as long as the non-contestants don't participate and the finalists make sure to remember what to do so they don't get a higher time than the other.

-Penguin874 & Matbolabc
Hosts of CPSkool Forever
CPSkool Forever © 2011-2012 Template by Penguin874 and Matbolabc. Some rights reserved. Poop Poop Poop Poop Poop

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