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CPSkool has officially come to a close as a gameshow... but will remain as a community on chat. Enjoy the final post! -Peng & Mat

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Time of...Transitioning

All 5 winners of CPSkool and CPSkool's founder.
L-R: Stickie408, Bumbleface, Matbolabc, Penguin874, Checkers4562, 11laura110

Matbolabc's Speech

I still find it hard to believe that this entire community started only 2 and a half years ago... I almost feel like I've known you guys all my life... Maybe it's because I couldn't picture living my life without having met all of you. For the past few years I have always had a place to go where I could just be me... a place where I can stay away from the harsh and judgmental world. A place where I felt like I mattered.

This community has given me so much confidence in myself and I now understand that there are people out there who love me. Because of this boost of confidence I have grown out of my shell in my real life, and I have met many great people and befriended new people... I feel like I am ready to go out and find my place in the world.

Of course, we would not be a community if it weren't for the gameshow aspect of CPSkool. CPSkool was a fun ordeal that brought each and everyone of us closer together, and gave us such an amount of joy and hope in ourselves... even though it seems like a simple concept, the only person who would truly understand would have to compete in one.

I think it says a lot for CPSkool, having started out as very young teenagers without an ounce of experience. Because of this we were an easy target for an orange adversary who fails to see that a gameshow is not about its host... but about the contestants. But that is an old story that nobody wants to hear again, because at the end of the day hope is what kept this place alive. Hope is what fueled myself into each and every hour that I've spent on CPSkool Forever, the previous 4 seasons, and the chat. Life without hope is pointless.

Of course all great things have to come to an end... but I know CPSkool is greater than that. Those who were directly involved in CPSkool and those who have participated will never forget CPSkool... And for me I will always keep the memories I've spent here close to my heart.

The connection did not come from flashy graphics, overly-complex posts, or from a massive ego from either of the hosts. The reason everyone here today still remains is because through the best and worst of CPSkool we have all pushed forward and have grown into a family. I honestly consider a vast majority of people on our chat room as family, and I know some of them feel the same way towards me.

In summary, I think that the bond each and everyone of us feel is very real. Some might say that online friendships are not real... But what about online friendships that have lasted years, ones that have reached closer to real life through Facebook, Skype, and Tinychat.... In the end what defines friendship in my mind is love for one another... always being there for each other... and understanding each other.... therefore the friendships that CPSkool has made are very real, and the love all of us share will continue to grow past the boundaries of Club Penguin and into our hearts.

Penguin874's Speech

I remember all the way back to those first few days of the development of this recently ended season. Our main goal was to take our experiences from the previous four adventures, improve on them, take into account what works for the people around chat, and make it all happen. However, there was something else that I think made this season the definite best out of all our seasons. Heck, CPSkool Forever alone could stand as its own gameshow, even if it were just this. Why is that?

All season long, we intended on staying away from Club Penguin challenges (except for the first and last ones). This season took into account the possibility of a gameshow that takes advantage of actually using Internet games other than our ol' CP. We played Snakeban, Pandanda, trivia (although, I think trivia is in pretty much everything). In the end, I believe my personal expectations were blown out of proportions this time around, and I think that a large chunk of the congratulations should be handed out to the community (yes, I mean you as well).

CPSkool has really evolved as a website, which is a very obvious statement, but it's true. I've spent a lot of time pondering at how fast we've grown, how close we've grown, and how our abilities and talents have grown and have been put into this amazing task of hosting a fifth season. I'm extremely grateful for Happywagon's retirement, not in a negative fashion, but in an indirect thank you sort of fashion. Happy was a great guy who hosted the chat where all of the owners of CPSkool met. Right around the time he decided to let go of CP (which is what we're doing at the moment), it basically gave CPSkool a chance to build up traffic on its chat. Unlike Frosty's rants about how a chat isn't necessary for a gameshow, I think it's vital. 

Once we were able to grow as a community, and we were starting to give off a reputation of a stable website, it allowed us to build stronger relationships and experiences with the group of people who chose our site as a hangout, a safe haven from personal problems, a way to forget hard times and have a laugh or two. This was all the way back in 2009-2010. In 2010, as I hope all of you know, is when we ended Season 4 and I disagreed with the idea of continuing on. 

Looking back at this decision, I'm amazed at how extraordinarily beneficial it was. Back in 2010, Mat's graphical skills were great, but comparing them to today's style is like comparing cave paintings to a work from da Vinci. I was completely terrible at writing back around the time of season 4, and I think I could still use a lot more work to this day. Because we "waited" a year (I use quotes because we weren't planning on a season 5 until about a year after the "final" season), our skills progressed. We became more mature. We were different people, a lot more experienced and older. So, at that point, it seemed like we were at a peak, which was a perfect signal to have yet another season...and then, here we are.

Ok, I guess I will stop with the pondering of my past, especially since most of you already knew about this. I just...can't believe we managed to pull it off. We used non-Club Penguin websites to make a season worth remembering, and with a non-Club Penguin related chat room, I think we're finally reaching that final step...moving on from these fine experiences.

Like in the finale results post, I'd like to thank everyone who has made your impact on our community. I won't name a list because it would take a couple years to write down everyone who fits the criteria. However, I would like to specifically thank our active mods: Alexa, Andreia, Andy, Lewis, Spoil, Andre, Bumble (our winner of season 5), Checkers (our winner of season 3), and Penny. You have all earned your spots, and I hope to see you on chat now that we've officially transformed.

As for the owners, I'd like to thank GK for his help in the efforts for the development of the season, as he was a big influence on the challenges and what worked when it came to tickets and surprises. I'd like to thank Sand for her amazing artwork and coding skills shown in her Souvenir Shop. Sadly, it is down at the moment for some strange reason, but I'm sure you all remember the impression it gave you when you first saw it. Kellie, you have been an amazing help not only in the season, but with your work on chat. You didn't directly take part in the development of the season, but you've been a great friend and you've done your part in making this happen with your advice and belief in the project. 

As for Mat, he already knows what I think. His graphics are beyond outstanding at this point, his diplomacy on chat is something I couldn't handle, and his tears, sweat, and blood have all been poured in buckets into this season happening (hopefully not literally). At the most stressful of moments, he didn't give up, which definitely, without a doubt, shows his perseverance and determination. Without his help, this would be possible, but it would not be 3,000,000 times as great as it has gone. Thanks for your time, Mat, and happy belated birthday. 

And, for everyone, I'd like to wish you all luck in your future endeavors, and I would only hope that you take a second or two to fully realize what we have accomplished here in only about two years. I can't believe that I am writing this while taking part in the transformation I've been awaiting for a long while: a transformation into a teenage hangout, what CPSkool has basically become, gameshow or no gameshow, and I hope it continues to grow as a family over the course of the next couple centuries or so.

Maybe even more.

Thanks for your participation in...

-Penguin874 & Matbolabc
CPSkool Founder and Former Host

If you want, leave a comment on this post, and tell us your favorite memories of CPSkool.


Anonymous said...

Oh guys... I usually don't get emotional. But this post kind of made me cry inside. I mean I haven't been here since the beginning, but I still know all of you. My beginning on here was ever so magical. It's so darn fresh in my mind. I... Kellie and Hedge brought me here. I thought, wow coolios! But my favorite memory... was when Chex told me... That she was a hobo living under a bridge who uses Burger King's computer. But then there is another memory that I loved... When I met everyone. All of you... I love how you have taken me in. I love how everything has gone planned, even when we have our moods and our anger rushes throughout chat. We are one, one whole family. I am so happy... that I stumbled upon Kellie. She... Oh my god... Kellie you are the best thing ever! I... I'm speaking from my heart and soul. I love you all and I am about to go cry now. I... I'm having trouble typing... Which is weird because I love you all so much and I can't stop. But even through thick and thin, we have been together. Even though you guys have lost some people along the way, you've met new friends. Before cpskool... I used to be a self-consius geek who ... Was scared of everything... Honestly I never used to be that loud obnoxious girl who is really annoying. In real life just ask my friends. Sure I'm loud and obnoxious, but I'm not telling true feelings. I don't act as nice out there as I do on here. I have only one true friend. Cpskool. Love you all... I will never forget you, and on our road trips throughout my life, I will make sure I go through every one of your guys' states.
I am often taken advantage of in school. I am bullied every day by someone smaller than me. I have no power... I could never say no. But now... Oh I love you

PokéShadow76 said...

Wow...what a powerful post. I feel like a big piece of our lives just kind of drifted away. But as we move on into the future, I'm looking forward to keeping the amazing friendships I have with all of you, and maybe even gain some more. This may be a sad time in CPSkool, but it shouldn't be too depressing. Just remember that, no matter what, we have each other. I love all of you. We're family. Now let's hit the ground running into CPSkool's future! :D


Spoil Pink said...

I had a real hard time not crying. Cpskool is one of the best things in my life, one of the best things that ever happened to me. It's hard to pick out one memory to be the best, but I'd have to say knowing I was in the 5th season. I'm so happy I got to be a part of Cpskool. I'm happy to be a part of this family. Everyone who is a part of it I love, and they are amazing. Mat, Kellie, Peng, Gk, Sand, Hedge, Chex, Bumblie, Abby, Lew, Andy, Andre, Wook, Hannah, Marco, Faith, Powder, Musa, Tim Lex, Ps2, Lion, Drake, Gabi, and so many more that are a part of it. I'm sad to see it go, but I'm happy that even after the origin leaves, we are able to stick together. Familia Forever <3

~ Spoil Pink

Anonymous said...

Amazing post Mat and Peng. Having been there for the very conception of Cpskool, to the end of it, is kind of sad. At the same time though, it feels good to have been apart of something so big and possibly even life changing for others. Even though Cpskool is over, I look forward to seeing what happens next on chat and to see what we do to keep this community alive.


Checkers said...

When I found CPSkool, I was 12. And tomorrow, I will be turning 15. I never thought I would become so attached to people I met on a chat room about a Club Penguin gameshow. CPSkool honestly has changed my life forever. What makes it even more amazing is the experience. The experience of being in 2 of the seasons was absolutely amazing. I am truely honored to be able to say that I won a season.
My favorite memory is probably pretty obvious...but it's when I won CPC. I honestly never thought after all that happened in CPHigh that I would even be put into another season, let alone win it! Thank you for letting me have another opportunity to compete :)
I would like to thank everyone who has been there for me. It truely means a lot to know that I can come here and be happy if I had a bad day at school. I know that I have made life long friends and no one will ever be forgotten. I know that we will all meet someday, whether it is in 5 years or 10 years. I can just tell that it will happen. Never give up hope. <3
I know that I can speak for everyone who is still here when I say this, CPSkools has changed all of our lives in an amazing way. We have all gone through so much together. There has been fights, tears, smiles and laughter. No matter what kind of arguments we went though, we always bounced back and forgave each other. That is what family does. We are a family. I am so proud to be part of the CPSkool Family. :)

~Checkers <3

Anonymous said...

I remember when CPSkool first started and Mat was asking me to join..I never thought that when I came here it'd end up like this. I know when I first heard about CPSkool I didn't think much of it, I didn't think it would ever be anything like it is, I never thought that I would find such amazing people here, people that would gladly do anything for me & people that truly care for me. When I first came here, I just thought I'd come here for fun occasionally, even then tho I knew there was something more to this place..

When I first came here I really only had one friend on chat.. and now look how many I have..it's so crazy. I was definitely not a very liked person on chat at all, I can't even name you every person that I've had fights with. Very crazy fights over nothing..but I'm happy all those stupid fights never led to anything serious and that we didn't hold on to all of that. And if it wasn't for Mat..yeah I would have probably been banned forever.

I'm not really sure what my FAVORITE memory is..but I do think it was CP Colleges finale..that was an amazing night, I had so much fun, that was the night I originally became mod on chat and I was so happy. I felt like that was truly a night that I became something with CPSkool.

I'm so proud to say I've won a CPSkool game show, it's really something I've always wanted to do and it makes me so happy to say that I've done it. :) Even though I never really got to play in CPKamp I still had lots of fun with that too...

I don't even want to imagine my life if I never came here..yes my life is changed, but I've learned things that will stay with me forever..thank you all and I love you guys. <3


Kellie-Leanne96 said...

A trip down memory lane;
I remember when CPSkool was created, Mattew told me to ask to be in potatoes, and Matt said he picked the teams, and to wait. Haha, in the end the season didn't go ahead, but soon after, CPSkool came to life, the first season consisted of mainly people from HICB, and Mattew won.. I rememeber trying to be there for challenges, and watching Mattew win the season.. Thanks to Penny, who sacfrificed herself.. Start of Cpskool history right there..
As the seasons move on, we befriend more new people. Time has flown by now, it's season two.. Again, I was there for each and every challenge, the suspense at elimination, sometimes tears from those competing, as they say goodbye to fellow team mates, as they work their way to victory, through to the end, where Laura claimed the throne.
The clouds turned from white to grey, to black, the skies changed from sky-blue, to reds, pinks, oranges, yellows, and then to black. The days and nights passed by, when the day finally arrived, the day of CPCollege began, this season we have a few newer people, that only some knew, but friendships were formed along the way. A major alliance was made during CPCollege, who ever we wanted out, was out. It came to final 4, I sacrificed myself from passing through to final 3, to have GK keep in place, he was the main-man of the alliance. Two weeks passed by, it was the finale.. Brother-Sister competetion, it was announced, Checkers had won the season! Time passed by again, by now we had so many more newer people, whom we've all had friendships built with, CPKamp came along, one of the most gruelling seasons in my opinion, alliances became broken, and work-ups became clear. In the end, stickie won the season, and I believe each contestant have fun.
Then came "The season that never would." Planned months before it was even released, the release came about, signups piled in, and the contestents were chosen; Soon after, the season started. Around worlds they travelled, competing for survival, who would make it home? The Finale came, Bumble and Andre returned, but who would win? Beads of sweat was running down their foreheads, and those whom are watching. The time came, and it was announced that Bumble had won the season.. Tears were shed as this would be the end, not the end of CPSkool, but the end of an amazing gameshow. Also, that Bumble had won too. :)

Congratulations to all those who competed, and those whom won. :)

Kellie-Leanne96 said...

Now, for my full comment.. and speech;
The years come and go, it happens all so fast, friends change, people change, but friendships like these will forever last.

During this time, here with you all, I've learned that people can be trustworthy, and honest, and true to you. I've learned that life does have rainbows, and that it is worth walking through the rain.

In my heart, each one of you have a special part, and each of your names are engraved there, and that will remain. You're all rainbows to me, you've all lead me to something new, and made my life so much happier.

Whenever any of you are hurt, sick, or there's something wrong, it breaks my heart a little, to know that someone I care about so much, has something wrong, and the distance between us all hurts, because I'm unable to help like I want to. You're all amazing to me, and I love you all.

Happiness is something that warms your heart, and for me, each and every one of you, warm my heart every day. Even if it's just by saying "Hi", or Hugging me.

I'm able to be myself around you, I don't have to hide in a shadow of my mistakes anymore, because I know I have you guys by my side, where ever I am.

If I was to ever lose you, I don't know what I'd do. A little piece of me would be missing, and I've been there before; you guys are my world, seriously. I've been so down, and drowning in my sorrows, yet you guys have lifted my spirits, and pulled me back to reality.. I can say without you all, I wouldn't be here right now, at all.. You know that right?

I know this song is about relationships, but I can say that it quite fits with how I would feel if I lost any of you..
"All I know is I'm lost without you, I'm not gonna lie, how am I going to be strong without you, I need you by my side, if we ever say we'll never be together and we ended with goodbye don't know what I'd do, I'm lost without you, I keep trying to find my way but all I know is I'm lost without you, I keep trying to face the day, I'm lost without you."

I have faith in all of you, as life moves on, and the years continue to pass; You're all amazing, and I know you will succeed. Never turn away from your dreams, you'll reach them when you try hard enough.

I wonder, will we remember eachother in years time, when we're adults, and are raising families of our own, will we show them CPSkool? I think we will.. Do you?

I'm scared of losing you guys, because you're the only ones I can be myself around, you manage to put up with my stubborn moments, and abrupt comments, the times where I'm sad, and depressed, and hyper to such an extent I end up spamming the chat.. You're open with me, and I know I can be open with you.. I want you guys to remain in my life forever.

I love each and every one of you, and I thank you all for the times we've had together from the start until now, and from now into the future.

PokéShadow76 said...

Seems that a lot of people are naming their favorite memories of CPSkool, so I s'pose I will as well. Well first off I should start by saying that I'm no CPSkool original...I wasn't here in the older days. I was elsewhere...TCPC, AMGJ, Q&P...but when all of those places had died down, I needed somewhere to go. So I turned to CPSkool, a place which I had not had the greatest feelings about...because of something so stupid as Peng publicly insulting a friend of mine...:P But as time progressed, I felt more comfortable here...more welcome. I thank you all so much for bringing someone like myself into your big family...I'm really not sure what I'd do without you guys...I love each and every one of you; don't ever forget that. But haha, moving past that, I'd say my greatest memory would probably be a recent one; being able to compete in CPSF and to be able to make it so far as to the final 2...No, I didn't win, but so what? I lost to a worthy opponent and an amazing friend. The whole experience was a dream, and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it. Once again, I thank you all, because I would not be where I am today without you.

I will never let you guys go...


Anonymous said...

Oh wow why did I leave such an insane length of a comment? Sorry about that :P But I do think you guys rock. You all made me think, "OMG I KNOW SOMEONE FROM CALIFORNIA, AND PENNSYLVANIA!" instead of hanging around my old rural area of a farm. (No I dont live on a farm, but honestly if you open a window somehwere throughout our town you can smell cow poo) But I wanna thank Peng and Mat for such a rockin season. It was so fun meeting everyone. Im gonna thank chex for making the cpskool girls chat and being our mentor. I want to congradulate Andri and Bubble for making it to the final 2. Love y'all
-Anonymous A-

Taylor said...

I also want to thank Andreia for being there for me. Andreia, you are an amazing friend, don't deny it. you are beautiful, sweet kind, caring, and amazing. Thank you so much for being there for me.

~ SP

Anonymous said...


ToastyTim said...

This was an amazing post. Congradulations on 5.. count em'.. 5! SUCCESSFUL seasons! You guys are amazing.

I have had way to many memories to count here with CPskool. From participating in a season, to watching. I have enjoyed every minute of it.

Cpskool will always remain forever in my heart. You guys are like family to me, and always will be.

Thank you for everything.


Anonymous said...

Who is MILEYCYRUSFAN9 because it makes me think of my old user mileyhanna6 but with my favorite number 9... -.- confused.

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